「第十七屆全港學生公開音樂比賽」綱目 Syllabus of '17th HK Students Open Music Competition 獨唱 Singing A. 級別綱目組 Graded Class
所有表演均需以 鋼琴伴奏,大會並不接受錄音伴奏。 All performances must have piano accompaniment. Taped accompaniment is not accepted.
B. 預備級^ Preliminary Class^
^ 預備組之參賽者可遞交多於一個之報名,唯每首歌曲只可參賽一次。 Competitor of Preliminary Class is allowed to submit one entry in each different language in the same grade.
預備組參賽者必須向大會訂購指定樂譜,以正本演出及伴奏。Competitor should purchase the music score from the Organizer and use the original copy for performance. ◈ 獨唱組預備級 樂譜訂購表格 Music Order Form for Singing – Preliminary Class 請按此下載 所有表演均需以鋼琴伴奏,參賽者需自行作伴奏安排,大會並不接受錄音伴奏或清唱。 All performances must have piano accompaniment. Competitors must provide their own accompanists for performance in the competition. Taped accompaniment is not accepted. # 賽事將以不同級別劃分評選。 Competition grouped by individual grades. * 如演奏時間超越上限,參賽者或會被取消資格。 Time limits will be strictly enforced. ** 年齡以 2024年10月31日作計算。 Age as at 31st October 2023. ª 英國皇家音樂學院考試綱目 ABRSM Syllabus link 英國皇家音樂學院文憑級考考試綱目 DipABRSM Syllabus link